Elina Koristashevskaya bio photo

Elina Koristashevskaya

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Location: Room 205, 5 University Gardens
Attending: Elina, Stuart, Mo, Pernille, Victoria, Steve, Emma, Rohan, Swagatam
Apologies: Maribel, Martin

  1. Mo ran a workshop on using Python to crawl and parse the internet for content.
    • The workshop covered the basics of Python, and how to troubleshoot common problems
    • Instructions for how to install Python prior to the workshop were posted on the site
    • The code used in the workshop is available on the XPMGla Github page, in the ‘crawl-parse’ repo: https://github.com/xpmgla/crawl-parse
  2. The team is encouraged to fork the code and make their own changes
  3. Elina will upload version of the script that can be used on a Mac
  4. At the next meeting, Victoria will present the paper she is giving at the 9th Annual Learning and Teaching Conference in Glasgow on using social media (Twitter, specifically) in education: http://www.gla.ac.uk/services/learningteaching/events/annuallearningandteachingconference/ Abstract: http://www.gla.ac.uk/media/media_442521_en.pdf