Location: Room 205, 5 University Gardens
Attending: Elina, Stuart, Allison, Mo, Pernille, Mirabel
Apologies: Martin, Victoria, Steve, Conor, Katy, Graeme, Kim
- We welcomed Mirabel to her first meeting.
- Elina ran a workshop introducing GitHub (web), including:
- Terminology.
- Creating an account.
- Forking.
- Creating a post.
- Saving and publishing your post.
- The guides for forking, creating a post, and saving and publishing your post are also available on the website
- Stuart gave a brief introduction to setting up your own basic landing page using an HTML/CSS template and hosting it through GitHub. Stuart will add an explanatory guide to the website.
- We discussed the use of the Slack communications tool for group communications. The XPMGla Slack group can be joined here
- We met Dog Malone whose birthday it was.
- We went for a drink to celebrate Dog’s birthday.