Stuart James Purcell bio photo

Stuart James Purcell

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Location: Room 205, 5 University Gardens
Attending: Elina, Stuart, Allison, Mo, Pernille, Mirabel
Apologies: Martin, Victoria, Steve, Conor, Katy, Graeme, Kim

  1. We welcomed Mirabel to her first meeting.
  2. Elina ran a workshop introducing GitHub (web), including:
    • Terminology.
    • Creating an account.
    • Forking.
    • Creating a post.
    • Saving and publishing your post.
  3. The guides for forking, creating a post, and saving and publishing your post are also available on the website
  4. Stuart gave a brief introduction to setting up your own basic landing page using an HTML/CSS template and hosting it through GitHub. Stuart will add an explanatory guide to the website.
  5. We discussed the use of the Slack communications tool for group communications. The XPMGla Slack group can be joined here
  6. We met Dog Malone whose birthday it was.
  7. We went for a drink to celebrate Dog’s birthday.
